NZ Beacon

A Protestant Bible Believing Publication Since 1982 standing upon and for the Authorised English text of the 1611 Holy Scriptures

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ian and Mary Grant...the latest

The last time the Beacon took notice of Ian Grant was twenty years ago when we documented the fact that he was not only a Roman Catholic sympathiser but was sucked in by Silly Billy Subritzky’s ‘miracles’ and ‘healings’ meetings where his god dropped ‘bombs’, let people smell his god’s holy ghost and had his devotees grunting like pigs and wriggling like snakes. Now the latest we hear of the deluded soul is that he is going to be spending a gift of 6.3 million dollars (from some poor old fellow down south with as little discernment as Ian Grant himself) on providing a ‘Drop-in Centre’ for parents who cant or wont read what the Bible says about rearing children. They are to call in on Ian and Mary to learn how to get their children to eat their tucker off red plates when they are good , along with many other equally important ‘hot tips’ on rearing their off-spring.
The lights went out for Ian when he let some priest from Rome lay his hands on him so that he could speak in his ‘prayer language’ that is, in reality, a devil-inspired nonsensical and vain babbling condemned in the Holy Scriptures. Of course Ian and Mary (favourite Roman Catholic name for girls) would not be getting the ‘good press’ they enjoy if they were not supportive of Roman Catholicism, but with his track record in lack of spiritual understanding we know that he wouldn’t have a clue how he has been, and is being, used by the enemy of God’s people to further the end-time apostasy of Christendom. Poor wretch. Not only does he have to give account of the effect his sloppy and foolish ministry has had on thousands of young believers over the last two decades or more, but now has to justify the use of millions of dollars on equally foolish ventures into real estate .Extract from NZB article March 1985; - “God is in the bombing business according to TV personality Ian Grant. Up at Bill Subritzky’s Kerikeri farm, the young men and women attendees at Ian Grant’s Xmas “Summer Harvest” outreach, were reduced to ‘wriggling like snakes’, ‘grunting like pigs’ and howling and weeping in fear, as the ‘wind of the Holy Spirit’ descended in ‘another Pentecost’. Some of the favoured also ‘smelt the Holy Ghost’ according to host Subritzky, while there was wholesale casting out of ‘demons’. Along with the frightened teenagers Mr Grant testified that ‘it scared the living daylights’ out of him. Speaker Bill Subritzky was closing the meeting under the eye of the video camera when God apparently let off this ‘bomb’.
Way to go Ian!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your comments are very nasty. Ian and Mary are a very nice couple just trying to help others find their way in this mixed up world. Why don't you try a little love? It's people like you that give Christianity a bad name.

12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do't know about Ian but Mary comes from a very nice catholic family. I forget which one of her parents were well respected and in the church and always attended mass. How dear you says such things about a good christian family? I pitty you.

12:17 AM  
Blogger randy pierson said...

Tell me Peter Kelly, is it "very nice" to let people think that if they do not submit to the Roman pontiff then they are going to Hell (official RC teaching) and is it "very nice" to let RCs like Mary, and you too Peter, think that when they die they are going to a non-existent Purgatory to pay for their own sins that werent paid for here on earth, when in fact, according to the Bible, they are going to Hell from which they will go to the great white throne judgment (Rev. 20:11) before being cast into the lake of fire for eternity? I would prefer to have "a bad name" for faithfully warning people of "the wrath to come" than to be a "men-pleaser" and let them perish without having been told and shewn what God's Holy Scripture says is ahead of them.

8:11 AM  
Blogger randy pierson said...

Kathrine, Roman Catholicism is not christianity, it is a counterfeit. It is, in fact, an ancient Babylonian religion that has adopted Biblical names to fool the unwary and is condemned as antichrist by the Holy Scriptures. You must get some of the documentation for this (many books are available from the Beacon Bookshop) and study it carefully with your Bible before you too end up betrayed and lost in the darkness of a Christless eternity.

8:18 AM  

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