NZ Beacon

A Protestant Bible Believing Publication Since 1982 standing upon and for the Authorised English text of the 1611 Holy Scriptures

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Certainty of the Words of Truth

Dr. Dennis Spackman, a prominent figure in the New Zealand Authorised Bible camp, has brought out a further printing of his book "The Certainty of the Words of Truth" which contains, as an Appendix, his earlier booklet "In Pursuit of the Truth" which was initially prepared for an elderly Christian lady confused by the different Bible versions being used by visiting preachers. Worried about whether she should buy another newer version because of her difficulty following the preachers' readings in her own Authorised Version, and being unable to afford buying a new version every few years, she asked Dr. Spackman for his advice having noticed that he always only used the "King James Version". "Pursuit of the Truth" was the result of that conversation with the elderly Christian lady, and "The Certainty of the Words of Truth" was published subsequently as a more detailed sequel giving Dr. Spackman's answers to the many questions, from many quarters around the country, raised by the first booklet. Spackman's stand is unequivocal; he will hand you an actual BOOK when you ask him what he means when he says things like "the Bible says . . ." or "God's word teaches ...". He does not beat around the bush as 99.9% of Kiwi pastors and teachers and faculty of Christian churches and schools around the country do, who, when pressed for an actual text (the set of actual words that they profess are "Holy Scripture", and which they quote ad nauseum as the "Bible"), dont ever produce that text but say such confusing things as " this is only a translation", or "you will have to go to the Greek" etc. The good doctor will give you a REAL BOOK with words in it, a book you can actually hold in your hand and read, and tell you that the words in that book are GOD's words that you can fully trust, study, memorise, obey and preach. And the book that Dennis Spackman will hand you is the Authorised Bible of 1611. Nothing more and nothing less. And his book "The Certainty of the Words of Truth" is a 276 page explanation and defence of that position. The NZ Beacon bookshop happily carries Dr. Spackman's book and supplies it well below cost to the NZ public at $10.00 a copy. Get yourself one and be encouraged and strengthened in your faith in the promises of the Lord our God, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. ooOOoo


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